Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Change is Necessary

Several days ago I heard about a stabbing which occurred in Glendale Hills, where a young man was stabbed 7 times by three others at a house party. Considering an incident like this happens more often than not, my initial reaction was still that of astonishment and bewilderment. Stories like this never fail to surprise the audience, so is that why such violence never stops?

I mean really- I can't see why these issues never get resolved, and how people don't learn from others' mistakes. It's always something- about a girl, money, or just making fun....which ever the case may be, people seem to find the answer in guns, knives and pure violence.

It's true that in the heat of the moment things are said and actions are made, but why does it have to result to using weapons as force? In this case, other substances, such as alcohol, were involved causing the individuals involved to have poor judgment, but is that really an excuse? I think it's more about popularity, and unfortunately in a public setting- a room full of people, who want to find the "coolest cats" on the block- people generally try to outshine one another. Leadership and macho-ism is one thing, but tyranny is on a whole other level. What does the stabber/shooter/killer have to prove? What does he believe his actions will solve? There are a few immature and ignorant people who may believe that this violent person's actions are heroic and "bad-ass," but who cares about this ridiculously absurd formulation of a reputation if that person is going to do time for attempted-murder. Is it worth it?
If you think you're going to go down in history as a bad-boy, who made a life-altering statement, causing people to shrivel just from the sound of your name, then you're sadly mistaken. News flash!!!! They are going to throw the book at you in court. It's happened before, and it'll happen again. You can't just stab/shoot someone, run away, and expect it all to just go away. People don't get off that easily. Victims are seriously injured and hurt, and sometimes innocent people indirectly get involved as well. 

I've asked before, and I'll ask again. Why is it so easy for people to have access to weapons, whether they be guns or knives? Why are measures not being taken to prevent such violent occurrences? Will people ever learn?

Just remember that in the bigger world, everyone is expendable. No one cares about you or your excuses. You did what you did and now you must pay the price and deal with the consequences. Why not try to avoid it all together?

History is constantly repeating itself and not in a good way...

People need to be educated.

Change is Necessary!!!    

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