Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vanilla Sky and Cryonics

So last night I watching Vanilla Sky, and I know what you're thinking- wow, old movie right? Well, when this movie first came out back in 2001, I didn't understand a damn thing. Now, years later, I sat down and really paid some attention. For starters, the movie is really complicated, twisted and taken out of context, so no wonder I didn't get it. You really need to pay close attention to all that's occurring...

Tom Cruise signs a contract with LE (Life Extension) and apparently dreams up his future in the course of 150 years. By the end of the movie however, he is able to come back to life, even though technically he overdosed on drugs and killed himself.

The main purpose of this blog is not to discuss the movie, but rather, cryogenics- the branches of physics and engineering which focus on the study of extremely low temperatures and how materials can and will behave at those temperatures. Amazingly, there are programs out there which allow people to preserve their bodies after they have past away until a time comes along wherein which a cure can be found for the disease that was going to eventually kill them (i.e. cancer, aids, etc.) 

I'm not sure how I feel about this life/bodily preservation option. Apparently, most people who have a very serious disease, such as those mentioned above, are those who choose to freeze their bodies. What I don't understand, however, is that this only occurs after they have actually died. Their bodies have completely stopped functioning, and even thought they get a proper burial, their bodies are placed in a special kind of tube-like container that resembles a casket.
Those who choose to have their bodies preserved through cryonics pay a lot of money to do so, and will never know how long it will take until research discovers a way in which to bring the bodies back to life so as to find a cure. What happens in the meantime though? These bodies are monitored by scientists and researchers, and eventually when a cure is found and they discover how to bring these people back into the world, it will become the greatest invention of all-time. 

Assuming that something like this is even possible, what happens to these people who are brought back to life? Do they dream? Do they remember? And how will they find their place in the world, hundreds of years later? 

There are simply too many uncertain circumstances which cannot be guaranteed, but irregardless, it is still pretty stimulating. 

I don't know... what do you think? 

...Just some rambling thoughts...

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