Friday, January 14, 2011

Theories on 2012 and the Zodiac Signs

Ok... I'm not going to lie. I'm a little ticked off about all this Zodiac business. I liked being a Leo. I'm good at being a Leo. It's what I know, it's who I am, it's what I'm best at. Now, centuries later, scientists come around saying there are 13 zodiac signs as opposed to 12? 

We are barely into the new year, and all around there is talk about 2012 and the several theories about it. Is the world going to come to an end? Will we have another Golden Age? Are we going to lose all kinds electricity and technology? Which is it? 

Sound like DejaVu much? All I can think about is  the millennium and how people were preparing themselves for pretty much the same thing- the supposed end of the world. Call me crazy, but in theory, you would assume that if astrologers really knew what they were doing, they would have discovered the 13 "actual" signs of the zodiac years ago. It all seems kinda crazy that all of this is just coming up now all because of 2012.

I've watched a documentary or two about 2012, and how the Earth spinning on it's axis is going to be in such a way so as to come directly in front of the sun, causing solar storms peaking from the sun that can essentially leave us without power and electricity. How good is modern man without this? Another theory called the "Bible Code Theory" predicts the earth is going to be hit by a comet and as a result, come to an end all together. All these theories, however, are not 100% factual, and may or may not have glitches. So, what are we expected to do? Sit back and worry? Go on living as we are? Live in fear? Or tell everyone to get over themselves because we've "been there, done that."

Ironically, the things upsetting me more so than "the world coming to an end," is that for most people, their zodiac signs have changed. I'm not saying that I strictly followed constellations and astrology, but I did follow-up with it from time to time and felt that I could relate to my sign. At this point in time however, I can't help but feel everything is made up. Say I was a firm believer in my sign, and I woke up a few days ago only to be told that technically that's not really my sign. Seems unreal right? Where did all of this come from? Why now? Is it all because of 2012? When the earth's axis changes again, will it go back to what it was? And if that is the case, what does that say about astrology in its entirety? Can anything be proven or are people just wasting time with one theory after another?

So many questions left unanswered...   

Click Here, if your interested in reading more about the many theories revolving 2012


  1. I heard that this applies to only those born in 2009 and after...

    Not sure what the facts are really

  2. Just heard on CNN that these theories are not entirely accurate and were not meant to cause such controversy... Apparently, we all are what we were. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm more confused than ever.

    I'm just not gonna think about it
